ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

Volume 15 | ESPEYB15 | Next issue

Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2018

11 Obesity and Weight Regulation

BAT: The story goes on

ey0015.11-15 | BAT: The story goes on | ESPEYB15

11.15 Three-Dimensional Adipose Tissue Imaging Reveals Regional Variation in Beige Fat Biogenesis and PRDM16-Dependent Sympathetic Neurite Density

J Chi , Z Wu , CHJ Choi , L Nguyen , S Tegegne , SE Ackerman , A Crane , F Marchildon , M Tessier-Lavigne , P Cohen

To read the full abstract: Cell Metab. 2018, 27, 226-236Upon sustained cold exposure, white adipose tissue (WAT) can undergo substantial remodeling, characterized by the appearance of thermogenic brown-like or beige adipocytes. This “browning” of white fat depot also happens in humans and is associated with anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects. This is why WAT “browning&#...

ey0015.11-16 | BAT: The story goes on | ESPEYB15

11.16 Non-invasive Measurement of Brown Fat Metabolism Based on Optoacoustic Imaging of Hemoglobin Gradients

J Reber , M Willershäuser , A Karlas , K Paul-Yuan , G Diot , D Franz , T Fromme , SV Ovsepian , N Bézière , E Dubikovskaya , DC Karampinos , C Holzapfel , H Hauner , M Klingenspor , V Ntziachristos

To read the full abstract: Cell Metab. 2018, 27, 689-701The gold standard for the determination of BAT activity is the measurement of glucose uptake upon cold exposure using [18F]-FDG PET/CT. However, due to the use of ionizing radiation, this technique cannot be used repeatedly in longitudinal studies in humans. Alternatively, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and near-infrared fluorescence ...

ey0015.11-17 | BAT: The story goes on | ESPEYB15

11.17 Cold-induced brown adipose tissue activity alters plasma fatty acids and improves glucose metabolism in men

KA Iwen , J Backhaus , M Cassens , M Waltl , OC Hedesan , M Merkel , J Heeren , C Sina , L Rademacher , A Windjäger , AR Haug , FW Kiefer , H Lehnert , SM Schmid

To read the full abstract: JCEM 2017,102(11):4226-4234It has been recently demonstrated that activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in humans improves glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity and is associated with accelerated lipid metabolism (3, 4), suggesting BAT activation as an option not only for obesity prevention, but also in diabetes management. There is recent evidence that cold ex...