ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ESPE Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology (2023) 20 14.8 | DOI: 10.1530/ey.20.14.8

Rambam Medical Center, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. doi: Rev 2011;32:159–224.

In Brief: This manuscript was prepared from presentations given at the ESPE New Inroads for Child Health (NICHe) conference held in May 2009 in Marstrand, Sweden. It reviewed the concept of plasticity in developmental programming and evidence for the role of epigenetic mechanisms. It became widely accepted as a leading reference on this topic with currently >750 citations in Google Scholar.

Comment: Ze’ev Hochberg had a brilliant, creative mind. He was also enormously ambitious – not for himself, but for the wide dissemination and successful implementation of his projects that aimed to bring about improvements in education and specialist training, and to foster deeper interactions between leading researchers. As well as the Yearbook (and PETCA and many other highly valued ESPE activities), this review paper represents another of Ze’ev’s creations.

New Inroads for Child Health (NICHe) was a series of ESPE mini-conferences, which brought together researchers at the forefront of their fields (many of whom came from fields beyond paediatric endocrinology or even clinical science) in order to generate new research directions to address key issues in child health and development. The first NICHe conference had been held in Stockholm and Ze’ev’s arrangement to include the involvement of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine no doubt helped in persuading many leading international researchers to attend! Another major ‘draw’ for attendees was the idyllic setting of this conference on developmental plasticity and epigenetic programming on Marstrand, a historical fortress island on the West coast of Sweden, which was facilitated by Kirsten Albertsson-Wikland and generously supported by the Vaxthuset Foundation for Children.

The sections in this review bring together key observations in paediatric endocrinology (plasticity in human growth, postnatal development, intrauterine programming, impact of assisted reproduction) with a deep understanding of epigenetics and molecular regulation – it remains essential reading for those embarking on research in this field.

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