ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.11-6 | New findings in adipose tissue biology | ESPEYB19

11.6. Obesity and hyperinsulinemia drive adipocytes to activate a cell cycle program and senesce

Q Li , CE Hagberg , HS Cascales , S Lang , MT Hyvonen , F Salehzadeh , P Chen , I Alexandersson , E Terezaki , MJ Harms , M Kutschke , N Arifen , N Kramer , M Aouadi , C Knibbe , J Boucher , A Thorell , KL Spalding Nat Med 2021; 27(11): 1941–1953 doi: 10.1038/s41591-021-01501-8Brief Summary: This study analysed adipocytes from obese and hyperinsulinemic adults. They demonstrate that obesity is associated with the induction of a cell cycle program in mature adipocytes, leading to so-called endoreplication, as a strategy to remain fu...

ey0019.14-6 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.6. Altered steroidome in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Focus on neuroactive and immunomodulatory steroids from the 24th week of pregnancy to labor

L Ond�ejikova , A Pa�izek , P Šimjak , D Vejražkova , M Velikova , K Anderlova , M Vosatkova , H Krejči , M Koucky , R Kancheva , M Duškova , M Vaňkova , J Blunt , M Hill

Biomolecules 2021;11:1746 doi: 10.3390/biom11121746Brief summary: Comprehensive steroid profiling of pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during late gestation revealed specific GDM-related steroidomic changes, linking the maternal compartment to GDM pathophysiology and highlighting the interaction between GDM and the stage of gestation.It is...

ey0019.15-2 | Obesity | ESPEYB19

15.2. Postprandial glycaemic dips predict appetite and energy intake in healthy individuals

P Wyatt , SE Berry , G Finlayson , R O'Driscoll , G Hadjigeorgiou , DA Drew , HA Khatib , LH Nguyen , I Linenberg , AT Chan , TD Spector , PW Franks , J Wolf , J Blundell , AM Valdes

Nat Metab. 2021;3(4):523-9. doi: 10.1038/s42255-021-00383-x.PubMed ID: 33846643Brief summary: this study of around 1000 adults administered standard breakfast meals and showed wide variability and continuously monitored glucose levels up to 3 h afterwards. Notably, those individuals with lower glucose levels at 2 to 3 h after meals reported higher levels of appetite and consumed hundreds m...

ey0017.1-1 | Update on the Genetics of Hypopituitarism | ESPEYB17

1.1. Impaired EIF2S3 function associated with a novel phenotype of X-linked hypopituitarism with glucose dysregulation

LC Gregory , CB Ferreira , SK Young-Baird , HJ Williams , M Harakalova , G van Haaften , SA Rahman , C Gaston-Massuet , D Kelberman , Sgene GO , W Qasim , SA Camper , TE Dever , P Shah , ICAF Robinson , MT Dattani

To read the full abstract: EBioMedicine. 2019 Apr;42:470–480. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.03.013. Epub 2019 Mar 14. PMID: 30878599.Is everyone familiar with the MEHMO syndrome (OMIM #300148)? MEHMO is an acronym for mental retardation, epileptic seizures, hypogonadism and hypogenitalism, microcephaly, and obesity. Previous studies show that patients with MEHMO carrying hemizygous se...

ey0017.2-10 | Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus | ESPEYB17

2.10. The clinical and genetic characteristics of permanent neonatal diabetes (PNDM) in the State of Qatar

S Al-Khawaga , I Mohammed , S Saraswathi , B Haris , R Hasnah , A Saeed , H Almabrazi , N Syed , P Jithesh , A El Awwa , A Khalifa , F AlKhalaf , G Petrovski , EM Abdelalim , K Hussain

To read the full abstract: Mol Genet Genomic Med., 2019 Oct;7(10):e00753. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.753. Epub 2019 Aug 23. PMID: 31441606The unique population in the State of Qatar comprises over 2.6 million people who derived primarily from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and South Asia regions. Around 15% are indigenous Qataris of Arabian Peninsula ancestries, who have also immigrated to the St...

ey0017.3-6 | Congenital hypothyroidism | ESPEYB17

3.6. Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism: what can we learn from discordant twins?

E Medda , MC Vigone , A Cassio , F Calaciura , P Costa , G Weber , T de Filippis , G Gelmini , M Di Frenna , S Caiulo , R Ortolano , D Rotondi , M Bartolucci , R Gelsomino , S De Angelis , M Gabbianelli , L Persani , A Olivieri

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104:5765–5779.It is not clear whether retesting is needed for a healthy cotwin of a twin pair discordant for congenital hypothyroidism (CH) at the first neonatal screening. Medda et al. retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 47 twin pairs discordant for CH at the first neonatal screening. On follow-up, 7 (15%) of cotwins who were initially negatively screened then tested positi...

ey0017.4-13 | New paradigms | ESPEYB17

4.13. IGF1-mediated human embryonic stem cell self-renewal recapitulates the embryonic niche

SE Wamaitha , KJ Grybel , G Alanis-Lobato , C Gerri , S Ogushi , A AMcCarthy , SK Mahadevaiah , L Healy , RA Lea , M Molina-Arcas , LG Devito , K Elder , P Snell , L Christie , J Downward , JMA Turner , KK Niakan

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun. 2020 Feb 7;11(1):764.The signaling pathways involved in the regulation of early human development are largely unknown and the IGF system has been proposed to play a major role (1). The knowledge of mechanisms and actors involved in early life development is crucial to develop successful strategies for maintaining pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).This sophisticated study ...

ey0017.8-5 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB17

8.5. Exposure to glucocorticoids in the first part of fetal life is associated with insulin secretory defect in adult humans

JP Riveline , B Baz , JL Nguewa , T Vidal-Trecan , F Ibrahim , P Boudou , E Vicaut , A Brac de la Perriere , S Fetita , B Breant , B Blondeau , V Tardy-Guidollet , Y Morel , JF Gautier

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(3): dgz145. PMID: 31665349.Prenatal treatment with glucocorticoids (GC) is used in several clinical indications. However, the long-term outcome on offspring metabolic, somatic and cognitive health has raised significant concern. In rodents, high glucocorticoid levels inhibit development of beta cells during fetal life and lead to...

ey0017.10-14 | (1) | ESPEYB17

10.14. Yield of a public health screening of children for islet autoantibodies in Bavaria, Germany

AG Ziegler , K Kick , E Bonifacio , F Haupt , M Hippich , D Dunstheimer , M Lang , O Laub , K Warncke , K Lange , R Assfalg , M Jolink , C Winkler , P Achenbach , Fr1da Study Group

To read the full abstract: JAMA. 2020 Jan 28;323(4):339–351. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.21565. PMID: 31990315It is unclear how many children in the general population have features of anti-islet cell autoimmunity without later developing type 1 diabetes (T1DM). This public health screening program determined the population prevalence of islet cell autoantibodies (ICA) and the risk for pro...

ey0017.11-13 | Pharmacologic Treatment | ESPEYB17

11.13. Metformin-induced increases in GDF15 are important for suppressing appetite and promoting weight loss

EA Day , RJ Ford , BK Smith , P Mohammadi-Shemirani , MR Morrow , RM Gutgesell , R Lu , AR Raphenya , M Kabiri , AG McArthur , N McInnes , S Hess , G Pare , HC Gerstein , GR Steinberg

To read the full abstract: Nat Metab 2019;1:1202–1208.Metformin has become a mainstay in the treatment of T2DM in over six decades of clinical use and is today one of the world’s most commonly prescribed drugs. Anti-diabetic properties of metformin rely on an inhibition of hepatic glucose output through AMPK-dependent, but also AMPK-independent effects (reviewed in (1)). Neverthel...