ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

Volume 15 | ESPEYB15 | Next issue

Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2018

9 Oncology and chronic disease

Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice

ey0015.9-7 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.7 Growth outcomes after GH therapy of patients given long-term corticosteroids for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

H David , C Aupiais , B Louveau , P Quartier , E Jacqz-Aigrain , JC Carel , D Simon

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102:4578-4587In chronic inflammatory diseases, inflammatory cytokines and exogenous glucocorticoid exposure affect growth through systemic effects on the GH–IGF-1 axis and local effects on the growth plates. Low plasma IGF-1 levels are related to systemic GH insufficiency or to hepatic GH resistance. Changes in IGF binding proteins ha...

ey0015.9-8 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.8 Growth and weight gain in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the ReACCh-Out cohort

J Guzman , T Kerr , LM Ward , J Ma , K Oen , AM Rosenberg , BM Feldman , G Boire , K Houghton , P Dancey , R Scuccimarri , A Bruns , AM Huber , K Watanabe Duffy , NJ Shiff , RA Berard , DM Levy , E Stringer , K Morishita , N Johnson , DA Cabral , M Larché , RE Petty , RM Laxer , E Silverman , P Miettunen , AL Chetaille , E Haddad , L Spiegel , SE Turvey , H Schmeling , B Lang , J Ellsworth , SE Ramsey , J Roth , S Campillo , S Benseler , G Chédeville , R Schneider , SML Tse , R Bolaria , K Gross , D Feldman , B Cameron , R Jurencak , J Dorval , C LeBlanc , C St Cyr , M Gibbon , RSM Yeung , CM Duffy , LB Tucker

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 2017Aug 22;15(1):68This large prospective study analysed growth in children with JIA during a 3-year period from diagnosis. Interesting findings emerge: the heights and weights of these patients, clearly compromised in historical cohorts, appeared nearly normal. Increased risk of growth impairment was noted in patients with systemic arthr...

ey0015.9-9 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.9 Growth hormone treatment improves final height and nutritional status of children with chronic kidney disease and growth deceleration

C Bizzarri , A Lonero , M Delvecchio , L Cavallo , MF Faienza , M Giordano , L Dello Strologo , M Cappa

To read the full abstract: J Endocrinol Invest. 2018;41:325-331Growth failure is common in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and has a multifactorial etiology. The hypothalamus-pituitary axis is intact, but there is a resistance to growth hormone (GH) action in target tissues, secondary to decreased density of GH receptors, impaired signal transduction and reduced levels of free insu...

ey0015.9-10 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.10 Pubertal development in children with chronic kidney disease

D Haffner , M Zivicnjak

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Nephrol. 2017;32:949-964This is a comprehensive review on growth and sexual maturation during puberty in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Despite attention to preserve growth potential during pre-puberty and the availability of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), the achievement of normal pubertal height gain remains a challenge in CKD. In pr...