ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ESPE Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology (2023) 20 P1 | DOI: 10.1530/ey.20.P1

ESPEYB20 Preface Preface (1 abstracts)


Welcome to the 2023 edition of the ESPE Yearbook. It has been a fascinating year of major advances both in the basic sciences and in clinical research, with several new genes, mechanisms and also highly promising treatments. We encourage you to explore widely the easily summarized papers and insightful comments by our expert chapter editors. And, in our ongoing quest to improve the content and format of the Yearbook, we welcome your comments and suggestions.

In this edition, we are sadly lacking our usual chapters on Antenatal and Neonatal Endocrinology and Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology, following the retirements of Khalid Hussain and Taneli Raivio, who have excellently served the Yearbook for many years. We have been fortunate to secure world-leading clinical scientists to lead these chapters - please look out for our announcements in 2024! In the meantime, for Yearbook 2023 we have endeavored to cover progress in these topics in other chapters (e.g. see reviews on congenital hyperinsulinism and maternal obesity in Chapter 13).

We conclude Yearbook 2023 with a special chapter in tribute to Professor Ze’ev Hochberg (Haifa), who sadly passed away at the beginning of 2023. Ze’ev originated and coedited the Yearbook since its first edition in 2004 until 2021. He was a close friend and colleague or collaborator of so many of us in the ESPE community of Paediatric Endocrinologists and beyond. He read, thought, discussed and published on a remarkably wide range of topics, always bringing new and original perspectives and ideas. His breadth of knowledge and interests are reflected in our selection of his papers.

Christa E. Flück and Ken K. Ong

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