ESPEYB20 9. Obesity and Weight Regulation New Findings in Adipose Tissue (3 abstracts)
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. Nature 2022; 603 (7903): 926933. Doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04518-2.
Brief summary: Emont et al. created a cell atlas of human and mouse white adipose tissue, which goes a long way in informing our understanding of the complexity of adipose tissue.
Although adipocytes make up the largest proportion of adipose tissue volume, the cellular structure of adipose tissue is far more complex and includes adipose tissue progenitor cells (APCs), fibroblasts, vascular cells and immune cells. We are also beginning to understand that within this tissue there are subtypes of adipocytes that have specific functional properties. Due to their size and fragility, mature fat cells are inaccessible using current single cell sequencing methods, so information about fat cells is lost when the whole tissue is analyzed at the single cell level. These authors applied single-nucleus sequencing, a method that has been recently applied to murine (1,2) and human adipose tissue (3).
By doing this, they provide a rich dataset of the adipose tissue cellularity of mice and humans. Importantly, they also identify distinct subsets of adipocytes within the tissue. Notably, these subpopulations varied by depots. This opens up a wide field to understand differences in body fat distribution seen in both obesity and partial lipodystrophy. As this technique is now available, it may be easily applied to such cohorts.
References: 1. Rajbhandari P, Arneson D, Hart SK, Ahn IS, Diamante G, Santos LC et al. Single cell analysis reveals immune cell-adipocyte crosstalk regulating the transcription of thermogenic adipocytes. Elife 2019; 8. doi: 10.7554/ELIFE.49501. 2. Sárvári AK, Van Hauwaert EL, Markussen LK, Gammelmark E, Marcher AB, Ebbesen MF et al. Plasticity of epididymal adipose tissue in response to diet-induced obesity at single-nucleus resolution. Cell Metab 2021; 33: 437453.e5. 3. Sun W, Dong H, Balaz M, Slyper M, Drokhlyansky E, Colleluori G et al. snRNA-seq reveals a subpopulation of adipocytes that regulates thermogenesis. Nat 2020 5877832 2020; 587: 98102.