ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ESPE Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology (2021) 18 11.7 | DOI: 10.1530/ey.18.11.7

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

eLife 2020;9:e55851.

Timshel et al. describe a novel strategy for integrating single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data with GWAS data on BMI associated genetic variants, and thereby identify 26 exclusively neuronal cell types that are significantly enriched for BMI heritability.

The authors developed two scRNA-seq computational toolkits (CELLEX and CELLECT) for genetic identification of likely etiologic cell types and applied them to scRNA-seq data from 727 mouse cell types (380 cell types representing adult mouse organs especially the nervous system and 347 cell types from adult mouse hypothalamus [1,2]). Combining these data with publicly available BMI GWAS summary statistics from >457 000 individuals in the UK Biobank study [3] they identified 26 BMI GWAS-enriched neuronal cell types mapping to 8 brain regions, which share transcriptional signatures related to obesity. Interestingly, some of the enriched cell types localize to nuclei processing sensory stimuli and directing actions related to feeding behavior and to areas, which are important for learning and memory.

Furthermore, they identified 4 enriched cell types in the hypothalamus, expressing Sf1 (linked to disrupted leptin-signaling and hyperglycemia [4;5]), Cckbr and Bdnf (related to NTRK-monogenic obesity in humans and to normal energy homeostasis in mice [6]). There was no enrichment in neurons expressing the Pomc gene, but nominal enrichment in 4/5 Pomc+ cell populations. In line with previous findings [7,8], no enrichment of genetic variants associated with BMI in non-neuronal cell types was found.

In consideration of the selected scRNA-seq dataset from late postnatal, adult and predominantly wild-type mice, and the limitation to only detect enriched gene expression, these in silico findings provide an important contribution to the understanding of BMI heritability, showing that susceptibility to obesity is enriched in neuronal cell types regulating integration of sensory stimuli, learning and memory, thereby highlighting the need for mechanistic follow-up studies.

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