ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

Previous issue | Volume 20 | ESPEYB20

Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2023

9. Obesity and Weight Regulation

Martin Wabitsch, Stephanie Brandt-Heunemann, Christian Denzer, Melanie Schirmer, Julia von Schnurbein, Daniel Tews, Stefanie Zorn

ey0020.9 | Martin Wabitsch, Stephanie Brandt-Heunemann, Christian Denzer, Melanie Schirmer, Julia von Schnurbein, Daniel Tews, Stefanie Zorn | ESPEYB20

9. Obesity and Weight Regulation

Wabitsch Martin , Brandt-Heunemann Stephanie , Denzer Christian , Schirmer Melanie , von Schnurbein Julia , Tews Daniel , Zorn Stefanie

P1. Preface: In analogy to previous years, in this yearÂ’s chapter we can only present 1.5% of the acquired publications (1384) according to our search criteria in Pubmed for the Yearbook 2023. The last year has again been extremely exciting for the field of obesity and weight regulation and it was a significant step into the future in terms of scientific output.Of particular importance are the new pharmacological therapeutic approaches for adolescen...