ESPEYB20 12. The Year in Science and Medicine Steroids (3 abstracts)
J Urol 2023 Feb;209(2):337346.
Brief summary: In the prospective PROCURE study cohort (n=1783), 11-oxygenated androgens were studied in all men with newly diagnosed localized prostate cancer before undergoing radical prostatectomy. Data were related to clinical outcomes (e.g. metastatic disease). Levels of the adrenal androgen precursor 11b-OH-androstenedione were associated with progressive disease, while levels of the predominant bioactive 11-ketotestosterone and its metabolite 11-ketoandrosterone were associated with better, metastasis-free survival.
This study solidifies the role of adrenal 11-oxygenated androgens in prostate cancer, with the largest cohort to date, 1793 men, in which these androgens were profiled. Prior to this study, predominant in vitro studies, using prostate cancer cell lines, drove the 11-oxygenated androgen research, while few clinical investigations focused either on smaller cohort sizes or castration-resistant prostate cancer or only profiled 11-oxygenated adrenal androgen precursors. This current paper does a deep-dive into circulatory 11-oxygenated androgen precursors, androgens and their downstream metabolites and associates these androgens with metastasis-free survival. The findings support the future use of these androgens in the clinical work-up of prostate cancer patients to personalize hormonal strategies.