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Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2022

14. Science and Medicine

Steroidogenesis and beyond

ey0019.14-4 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.4. Quantification of androgens and their precursors in full-term human placenta

T Yoshida , K Matsumoto , M Miyado , Y Miyashiro , H Sago , R Horikawa , M Fukami

Eur J Endocrinol 2021;185:K7–K11 doi: 10.1530/EJE-21-0312Brief Summary: Steroid profiling of 10 placentas of healthy full-term neonates (five male and five female) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry revealed the presence of C11-oxy C19 steroids (androgens) in the fetal-placental unit at term – pointing to alternative androgen pathways in this unit.<p cla...

ey0019.14-5 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.5. Embryonic osteocalcin signalling determines lifelong adrenal steroidogenesis and homeostasis in the mouse

VK Yadav , JM Berger , P Singh , P Nagarajan , G Karsenty

J Clin Invest 2022;132(4):e153752 doi: 10.1172/JCI153752Brief summary: Using rodent and primate models, this study shows a classical endocrine feedback loop, where bone-derived osteocalcin enhances adrenal steroidogenesis, and the inactivation of osteocalcin signalling impairs adrenal growth and steroidogenesis.This study provides important evidence on the existence of the bo...

ey0019.14-6 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.6. Altered steroidome in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Focus on neuroactive and immunomodulatory steroids from the 24th week of pregnancy to labor

L Ond�ejikova , A Pa�izek , P Šimjak , D Vejražkova , M Velikova , K Anderlova , M Vosatkova , H Krejči , M Koucky , R Kancheva , M Duškova , M Vaňkova , J Blunt , M Hill

Biomolecules 2021;11:1746 doi: 10.3390/biom11121746Brief summary: Comprehensive steroid profiling of pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during late gestation revealed specific GDM-related steroidomic changes, linking the maternal compartment to GDM pathophysiology and highlighting the interaction between GDM and the stage of gestation.It is...

ey0019.14-7 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.7. Placental uptake and metabolism of 25(OH)vitamin D determine its activity within the fetoplacental unit

B Ashley , C Simner , A Manousopoulou , C Jenkinson , F Hey , JM Frost , FI Rezwan , CH White , EM Lofthouse , E Hyde , LDF Cooke , S Barton , P Mahon , EM Curtis , RJ Moon , SR Crozier , HM Inskip , KM Godfrey , JW Holloway , C Cooper , KS Jones , RM Lewis , M Hewison , SDD Garbis , MR Branco , NC Harvey , JK Cleal

eLife 2022;11:e71094 doi: 10.7554/eLife.71094Brief summary: Using placental perfusion, placental fragment culture and primary term human cytotrophoblast culture experiments, the authors signify the relationship between maternal vitamin D, placental vitamin D metabolism and fetal vitamin D exposure.In this study, the uptake of radio-labelled vitamin D (13C-25(OH)D...