ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

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Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2020

6. Differences/Disorders of Sex Development and Transgender Medicine

Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Fertility

ey0017.6-13 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Fertility | ESPEYB17

6.13. Establishing reproductive potential and advances in fertility preservation techniques for XY individuals with differences in sex development

R Islam , S Lane , SA Williams , CM Becker , GS Conway , SM Creighton

To read the full abstract: Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2019, Aug; 91: 237–44. doi: issues in individuals with a DSD has attracted increasing attention over the past decade and are summarized in this and other reviews. The various genetic defects that cause DSD and their underlying mechanism may impair fertility in a variety of ways. I...