ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.12-11 | Basic Research | ESPEYB20

12.11. Estradiol regulates leptin sensitivity to control feeding via hypothalamic Cited1

I Gonzalez-Garcia , E Garcia-Clave , A Cebrian-Serrano , O Le Thuc , RE Contreras , Y Xu , T Gruber , SC Schriever , B Legutko , J Lintelmann , J Adamski , W Wurst , TD Muller , SC Woods , PT Pfluger , MH Tschop , A Fisette , C Garcia-Caceres

Brief summary: This basic science study in mice shows how melanocortin neurons integrate reproductive signaling with energy homeostasis. In melanocortin neurons, estradiol (E2) enhances the anorectic action of leptin. Cited1 is enriched in these neurons and its loss exacerbates diet-induced obesity in female mice. Using several specific mouse models it is demonstrated how hypothalamic Cited1, via ERα and Stat3 interactions, link the effects of E2 and leptin on food intake...

ey0020.13-4 | Section | ESPEYB20

13.4. Evolution of the germline mutation rate across vertebrates

LA Bergeron , S Besenbacher , J Zheng , P Li , MF Bertelsen , B Quintard , JI Hoffman , Z Li , J St Leger , C Shao , J Stiller , MTP Gilbert , MH Schierup , G Zhang

In Brief: The authors conducted genome sequencing on 151 mother–father–offspring trios from 68 vertebrate animal species in order to estimate and compare germline mutation rates (GMRs). They found a 40-fold variation in GMR per generation between the species. Higher GMRs were observed in species that have a longer generation time, older age at puberty and fewer offspring per generation.Comment: Mutations in germline DNA during gametogenesis are...

ey0017.8-12 | New Hope | ESPEYB17

8.12. HSD3B1 genotype identifies glucocorticoid responsiveness in severe asthma

J Zein , B Gaston , P Bazeley , MD DeBoer , RP Jr Igo , ER Bleecker , D Meyers , S Comhair , NV Marozkina , C Cotton , M Patel , M Alyamani , W Xu , WW Busse , WJ Calhoun , V Ortega , GA Hawkins , M Castro , KF Chung , JV Fahy , AM Fitzpatrick , E Israel , NN Jarjour , B Levy , DT Mauger , WC Moore , P Noel , SP Peters , WG Teague , SE Wenzel , SC Erzurum , N Sharifi

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020; 117(4): 2187–2193. PMID: 31932420.Since their discovery ~70 years ago, glucocorticoids (GC) have been widely used to elicit a systemic anti-inflammatory response, and currently play a major role in the treatment of asthma and other inflammatory diseases (1). However, unresponsiveness to GC in some individuals i...

ey0020.12-4 | Genetics | ESPEYB20

12.4. Genetic insights into the social organization of Neanderthals

L Skov , S Peyregne , D Popli , LNM Iasi , T Deviese , V Slon , EI Zavala , M Hajdinjak , AP Sumer , S Grote , A Bossoms Mesa , D Lopez Herraez , B Nickel , S Nagel , J Richter , E Essel , M Gansauge , A Schmidt , P Korlevic , D Comeskey , AP Derevianko , A Kharevich , SV Markin , S Talamo , K Douka , MT Krajcarz , RG Roberts , T Higham , B Viola , AI Krivoshapkin , KA Kolobova , J Kelso , M Meyer , S Paabo , BM Peter

Brief summary: Genomic information (nuclear, Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA data) of 13 Neanderthals from two neighboring caves in Siberia have been analysed to infer their social community organization. The data show greater diversity of maternal lineages, which is best explained by female-biased migration between communities.This study is fascinating as it illustrates what information can be gained with genetic data and analysis beyond the medical ...

ey0020.1-8 | Genetics | ESPEYB20

1.8. The severity of congenital hypothyroidism with gland-in-situ predicts molecular yield by targeted NGS

L Levaillant , N Bouhours-Nouet , F Illouz , JA Jager , A Bachelot , P Barat , S Baron , C Bensignor , AB De La Perriere , YB Djellas , M Caillot , E Caldagues , MN Campas , M Caquard , A Cartault , J Cheignon , A Decrequy , B Delemer , K Dieckmann , A Donzeau , E Doye , M Fradin , M Gaudilliere , F Gatelais , M Gorce , I Hazart , N Houcinat , L Houdon , M Ister-Salome , L Jozwiak , P Jeannoel , F Labarthe , D Lacombe , AS Lambert , C Lefevre , B Leheup , C Leroy , B Maisonneuve , I Marchand , E Marquant , M Muszlak , L Pantalone , S Pochelu , C Quelin , C Radet , P Renoult-Pierre , R Reynaud , S Rouleau , C Teinturier , J Thevenon , C Turlotte , A Valle , M Vierge , C Villanueva , A Ziegler , X Dieu , N Bouzamondo , P Rodien , D Prunier-Mirebeau , R Coutant

Brief summary: Over the recent years several publications reported on next generation sequencing (NGS) in cohorts of patients with congenital hypothyroidism (1). Based on these data, diagnostic yield was higher in patients with gland-in-situ, than with thyroid dysgenesis. Further studies performed NGS only in cohorts of patients with gland-in-situ, excluding thyroid dysgenesis forms such as athyreosis, ectopy, or hypoplasia (2). The publication of Levaillant ...

ey0018.2-11 | Neonatal diabetes mellitus | ESPEYB18

2.11. YIPF5 mutations cause neonatal diabetes and microcephaly through endoplasmic reticulum stress

E De Franco , M Lytrivi , H Ibrahim , H Montaser , MN Wakeling , F Fantuzzi , K Patel , C Demarez , Y Cai , M Igoillo-Esteve , C Cosentino , V Lithovius , H Vihinen , E Jokitalo , TW Laver , MB Johnson , T Sawatani , H Shakeri , N Pachera , B Haliloglu , MN Ozbek , E Unal , R Yıldırım , T Godbole , M Yildiz , B Aydin , A Bilheu , I Suzuki , SE Flanagan , P Vanderhaeghen , V Senee , C Julier , P Marchetti , DL Eizirik , S Ellard , J Saarimaki-Vire , T Otonkoski , M Cnop , AT Hattersley

J Clin Invest. 2020 Dec 1;130(12):6338–6353. doi: 10.1172/JCI141455. PMID: 33164986.This manuscript describes a novel disorder due to homozygous mutations in the YIPF5 gene which cause a complex syndrome of neonatal/early onset diabetes mellitus, epilepsy and microcephaly. The underlying mechanism of the diabetes involves the accumulation of proinsulin (unable to be transported to the Golgi...

ey0015.9-8 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.8 Growth and weight gain in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the ReACCh-Out cohort

J Guzman , T Kerr , LM Ward , J Ma , K Oen , AM Rosenberg , BM Feldman , G Boire , K Houghton , P Dancey , R Scuccimarri , A Bruns , AM Huber , K Watanabe Duffy , NJ Shiff , RA Berard , DM Levy , E Stringer , K Morishita , N Johnson , DA Cabral , M Larché , RE Petty , RM Laxer , E Silverman , P Miettunen , AL Chetaille , E Haddad , L Spiegel , SE Turvey , H Schmeling , B Lang , J Ellsworth , SE Ramsey , J Roth , S Campillo , S Benseler , G Chédeville , R Schneider , SML Tse , R Bolaria , K Gross , D Feldman , B Cameron , R Jurencak , J Dorval , C LeBlanc , C St Cyr , M Gibbon , RSM Yeung , CM Duffy , LB Tucker

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 2017Aug 22;15(1):68This large prospective study analysed growth in children with JIA during a 3-year period from diagnosis. Interesting findings emerge: the heights and weights of these patients, clearly compromised in historical cohorts, appeared nearly normal. Increased risk of growth impairment was noted in patients with systemic arthr...

ey0020.13-1 | Section | ESPEYB20

13.1. Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging

P Singh , K Gollapalli , S Mangiola , D Schranner , MA Yusuf , M Chamoli , SL Shi , B Lopes Bastos , T Nair , A Riermeier , EM Vayndorf , JZ Wu , A Nilakhe , CQ Nguyen , M Muir , MG Kiflezghi , A Foulger , A Junker , J Devine , K Sharan , SJ Chinta , S Rajput , A Rane , P Baumert , M Schonfelder , F Iavarone , G di Lorenzo , S Kumari , A Gupta , R Sarkar , C Khyriem , AS Chawla , A Sharma , N Sarper , N Chattopadhyay , BK Biswal , C Settembre , P Nagarajan , KL Targoff , M Picard , S Gupta , V Velagapudi , AT Papenfuss , A Kaya , MG Ferreira , BK Kennedy , JK Andersen , GJ Lithgow , AM Ali , A Mukhopadhyay , A Palotie , G Kastenmuller , M Kaeberlein , H Wackerhage , B Pal , VK Yadav

In Brief: The authors describe a wide range of studies. Firstly, observational studies showed that circulating taurine concentrations decline with age in mice, monkeys, and humans – and in the latter, low taurine was associated with metabolic disease (abdominal fat, blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes). They then gave oral taurine to mice throughout their lives and showed that this increased lifespan by 10–12% and improved functional outcomes of almost all tissues studie...

ey0018.3-8 | Congenital hypothyroidism | ESPEYB18

3.8. Congenital hypothyroidism: A 2020-2021 consensus guidelines update-An ENDO-European Reference Network initiative endorsed by the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and the European Society for Endocrinology

P van Trotsenburg , A Stoupa , J Leger , T Rohrer , C Peters , L Fugazzola , A Cassio , C Heinrichs , V Beauloye , J Pohlenz , P Rodien , R Coutant , G Szinnai , P Murray , B Bartes , D Luton , M Salerno , L de Sanctis , M Vigone , H Krude , L Persani , M Polak

Thyroid. 2021:387–419. doi: 10.1089/thy.2020.0333.These updated ENDO-European Reference Network (ENDO-ERN), European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) and European Society for Endocrinology (ESE) guidelines for congenital hypothyroidism will serve as comprehensive review of the literature providing recommendations to all aspects of the disease.The first ...

ey0018.5-9 | Translational highlights | ESPEYB18

5.9. Articular cartilage regeneration by activated skeletal stem cells

Murphy Matthew P , Koepke Lauren S , Lopez Michael T , Tong Xinming , Ambrosi Thomas H , Gulati Gunsagar S , Marecic Owen , Wang Yuting , Ransom Ryan C , Hoover Malachia Y , Steininger Holly , Zhao Liming , Walkiewicz Marcin P , Quarto Natalina , Levi Benjamin , Wan Derrick C , Weissman Irving L , Goodman Stuart B , Yang Fan , Longaker Michael T , Chan Charles K F

Nat Med. 2020 Oct;26(10):1583–1592 Abstract: brief: Improved treatments for osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint diseases are urgently needed. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that the synovial microenvironment can be modified to allow resident skeletal stem cells to form hyaline articular cartilage and thereby reg...